What We Create -  Architectural|Interior Design
-  Historic Preservation|Renovation
-  Construction Management
-  Sustainable Design|Consultation
-  Defensible Space Design|Consultation
-  Security & Safe Room Design|Consultation


You may notice from our Portfolio that we have no preferred style or building type. FUSION exists to serve the client, not to create monuments to ourselves or make design statements. Client’s often hear, “We never want anyone to see a building or walk into a room and say ‘FUSION did this, didn’t they’” We think that our mission is to create spaces and buildings that reflect their owners perfectly, and that are appropriate to their site and region. Because every client, every site, and every project is unique, FUSION works to create a solution that is truly tailored to the client and their individual requirements.

We create a sense of place by implementing proven regional influences and solutions, and our buildings are in harmony with their site, working with nature rather than against it. Our rooms and buildings achieve not only high comfort levels but also high efficiency with low operating costs because we create them from proper design principles, superior building practices, and appropriate use of mechanical and electrical systems that treat the entire building as a cohesive system.

Finally, through the practice of proven design principles, utilizing both proven regional solutions and innovative technologies, and the use of robust materials with low environmental impact and long life-cycle costs, we do everything we can to produce sustainable, flexible, long term solutions that serve the client well in an uncertain future.

Click to view Portfolio
Contact: FUSION Design|Build LLC   (P) 614.589.7216  (F) 740.277.7796   info@fusiondesignllc.com    FaceBook page Twitter link FUSION OpenHouseReview